Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tell Ertl Oil Shale Repository reopened

"The Tell Ertl Oil Shale Repository, located in Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines, is now accessible and open for research use! The open hours of the Tell Ertl Oil Shale Repository are Mondays and Tuesdays, 2:00pm to 4:00pm, but tours and repository use at alternative times can also be reserved with the COSTAR Librarian, Julie Carmen.  Please contact her at; jcarmen@mines.edu.  The repository houses over 23 special collections about the oil shale industry and include technical materials of architectural drawings, engineering drawings, maps of oil shale reserves, specialty journals, government and contractor reports, original research, charts, and data compilations.  Non-technical materials include photographs, manuscripts, personal papers of key oil shale players, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia." (Julie Carmen)

I did not even know that we had an Oil Shale Repository before.  This is a great resource provided by our school if you want to know more about the industry and the research that is going into it.  I will definitely have to go check this out...


  1. I think Mines also sponsors a significant yearly Oil Shale symposium, and I think it happens in the spring--so keep an eye out for that, too!


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